5 Benefits Of Networking For Small Businesses In San Diego & How To Do It Well
If there’s one thing I’ve learned since I started my business as a personal branding photographer, it is the benefits of networking for small businesses in San Diego and the power of building local connections.
When you build and nurture a strong network, it will feel more like you’re actually creating a community and the benefits are endless!
benefits of networking for small businesses in san diego
I remember in the beginning I thought networking only meant going to events where other entrepreneurs and business owners were, sharing my elevator pitch, and crossing my fingers with the hope of finding new clients.
And honestly to a certain extent it worked.
What Can Networking do for small local businesses starting out?
Local networking events were always amazing to meet new people, like Tiffanie Glaze who hosts hikes and retreats for women.
I booked a lot of new clients that I wouldn’t have met if I wasn’t out there at those events. But I also had to learn how to do it well in order to be more successful. More on that if you continue reading…
What You Know and Who You know can Help your small business grow
Over time though, I learned that building a network is so much more than simply going to events to find new clients! And I finally understood what it really meant and how important it was for my business.
So I thought I’d share with you some of the other benefits of networking that might not be as obvious:
Support System
You can turn to your network for support during challenging times or when you need help with a project or task. Countless times I’ve needed guidance with something that wasn’t my area of expertise, or advice from other entrepreneurs that had gone through similar things, or even some words of encouragement when I felt that fear and self-doubt were holding me back.
Partnerships & referrals
Networking can lead to partnerships and collaborations with other professionals or businesses. I’ve partnered with other businesses that help me provide my clients a better service and experience, and they also refer me to their clients, which helps me expand my reach. It’s a win-win situation!
While networking you might meet just the person you needed to hire to take your business to the next level! For example, I’ve hired my amazing online business manager Jazmin Cornejo, and talented web designer Becca Jean. Both women were in my network and they definitely played an important part in helping me grow my business.
Even when you meet people in your field, aka your “competition”, you can learn from their experiences, expertise, and perspectives, and use this information to improve your own skills and become more knowledgeable.
By connecting with other professionals, you can gain recognition and respect for your work and expertise that will help you establish credibility and build your reputation in your industry.
So remember,
…whether you’re attending community events in alignment with your values like Positive Phee’s Sip n Syle,
…or joining in one of the trips with Jazmin’s Femaven, a Modern Girls Getaway
networking is about building genuine relationships and being helpful to others.
Monthly Opportunities and Connections For Small Businesses To Network In San Diego, California
Now how to be SUCCESSFUL at networking?
Yes, attending events regularly and making connections with the people you meet will help you build a network. But if you want to be successful at it, here are 3 things to try next time you go to a networking event:
Be Authentic
Be your unique and beautiful self, and show interest in the other person. Share your own experiences and interests but also ask questions and listen actively. This is key to building genuine connections.
Give Before Asking
Share your knowledge or resources, offer to help someone, or introduce people to others who could be valuable connections for them. Networking is all about building relationships and providing value.
Follow Up
Make sure you follow up with a personalized email or message after the event. Mention something that you discussed or learned from them, and express your interest in staying connected.
Raising Your Profile as a Local Brand In San Diego
Attending local events and making genuine connections regularly can help you raise your profile as a leader in your industry locally.
Stay in touch with other small local businesses and be of service to them in accessible ways to you.
Consider offering a freebie that can benefit your audience and make sure to include information of value to your future customers.
Do’s and Don'ts of Networking - Etiquette Tips For Local Businesses
Do bring your authenticity
Do listen more to others
Do act professionally
Don’t Be Pushy Or Aggressive
Don’t Be Negative
Don’t Forget To Follow Up!
Join Your Small Business Community Programs
Staying in touch with your local network can be very helpful to you as an entrepreneur to ensure your small business thrives locally.
Find the right support system ith your peers and share authentically about your immediate struggles and wins. Be there for others as they share their stories and consider helping when relevant.
Being in touch with your community and other business leaders can help your troubleshooting skills as a business owner and also inspire and motivate you to continue moving forward and elevate your goals.
The San Diego Business Chamber of Commerce for Business Networking
When you are on your first year of business it is critical to get a good strategy and stay connected with other business leaders in your local area to help you succeed.
80% of businesses fail their first year, and for the 20% that make it local connections was a critical way to grow a foundation when getting started.
Consider looking into your official city resources for small businesses to get started such as your local city chamber of commerce or even your nearest farmer’s market.
More Networking Groups for Professional Business Growth in San Diego
If you are curious about where to find more events to meet other driven and inspired business owners consider the resources below!
Make sure to let us know if there are any other communities or events to add to this list.
Tiffanie’s Grounded By Nature Hiking & Retreats
Positive Phee’s Sip n Style Sustainable Fashion Shopping
Jazmin Cornejo’s Wine and Work For Small Business Owners
Amanda & Jazmin Cornejo’s Small Biz Self Care
“Networking is not about just connecting people. It's about connecting people with people, people with ideas, and people with opportunities.”
- Michele Jennae
I hope these 3 tips help you improve your networking skills next time you attend an event, or a hiking retreat with Tiffanie in San Diego if that’s your thing.
One More benefit of networking for small businesses in san diego
If you use LinkedIn as a networking tool, make sure you read my blog post How To Improve Your LinkedIn Profile so that you become more visible, build your network, and grow your business.
Now I’m curious…which of the 5 benefits have you experienced so far?
Share in the comments below.