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 Let’s chat!

Let me help you discover the best version of yourself so you can show up with more confidence in your business and life! Fill out the form via the button below and I will personally send you my calendar so you can book a discovery call for a time that works best for you!

San Diego Brand Photographer

 Fill out the form through the button below & I will contact you soon!

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 Frequently Asked Questions


Do you travel?

Yes, please! I’m happy to travel to any location near or far, domestic or international. Please contact me to discuss it further.

Are the images watermarked?

No, they are not. Only the images in the proofs gallery are. But once I send your final gallery for you to download, they won’t have my watermark.

Do you edit all the images you deliver?

Yes, I do. Every image you receive in your final gallery has been hand-edited one at a time instead of batching in bulk groups.

Do I get the copyright of the images?

Copyright simply means that I am the creator of the images, so I own it. But with the commercial license included in your collection, you will be able to print, use your images in marketing materials, and share as much as you’d like!

Do I receive the raw, unedited files?

These files are not available for viewing or purchase. The images selected for editing will be the only ones I will deliver.

Can I do a payment plan with you?

Yes! I offer different payment plans options depending on the collection you choose.

I’m not photogenic and do not feel comfortable in front of the camera. How will I get through this?

I hear that a lot but usually from people who have never worked with a professional brand photographer who specializes in helping you build your confidence! During our planning session we will address your issues, learn what your assets and perceived flaws may be and work around those to bring out the best version of you. We will get to know each other and you will start to relax and feel comfortable with me and my camera. You will be a rockstar, so don’t worry about this.

This sounds great! How do I sign up?

That’s easy! Set up your complimentary consultation by filling out the form through the button above, so you can tell me all about your vision and we can plan your photoshoot!


Client Love

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